The activities described below are some of the ones designed to encourage Bible study and fraternization amongst various groups of members or young people.
Sunday Memorial Service
This activity is the most important weekly meeting for all members. At this meeting we praise God in hymns, pray to our Father in heaven, announce items of fraternal interest, receive exhortation and remember the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ by the partaking of bread and wine.
Bible Study Class
This activity is designed to encourage Bible study. It consists of series of Bible studies around a book of the Bible or a theme. The studies are lead by members of Aberfoyle Park or visiting speakers, usually from other local South Australian Ecclesias (congregations). These are held weekly from the end of January to the end of November each year.
Ecclesial (Congregational) Activities
These activities are designed to encourage fraternization. They include outings, usually held monthly on a Saturday. Some examples could be: Beach outing, Farm outing or Quiz/Games night. There is also a weekend camp, usually held at the Christadelphian camp sight called Hebron at Cockatoo Valley near Gawler. This is used to Study the Bible to a theme and allow fraternization around meals and other relaxing activities.
Southern Youth Group
This is an activity put on by Christadelphian ecclesias (congregations) generally south of Adelaide. It is designed for young people aged from 14 years old and up. There are about 14 activities planned each year, consisting of Bible study classes and outings, held on Friday evenings commencing at 7:30pm.
Adelaide Suburban Young People
The activities are put on by a committee of elected young people from ecclesias (congregations) throughout Adelaide. The activities consist of Bible study classes, held monthly, outings to encourage fraternization held at various times. A camp is held once a year to encourage study of the Bible. A show stand is organized and manned by young people to promote the Bible at the Royal Adelaide Show. A series of Bible studies to a theme, picnics and other activities are held at the end of each year in a large venue.
Dorcas (Women's) Class
Organized by sisters (female members) of the ecclesia (congregation). This class encourages the doing of good works after the example of the new testament character Dorcas (Acts 9:36-39). The class is held fortnightly. It commences with morning tea and is followed by a short study of a Bible based book.